A few words and photos from time to time on my life as it unfolds.

See more of my photography at http://royhoveyphotography.com--Click on any photo below to open it...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Oil Painted Fallen Friends

 Having finally figured out how to install and find the plugin Topaz Simplify to PhotoShop Elements, I humbly share a set of photos from my first couple of weeks of playing with this great "photo painting" program.  Though I largely prefer to stick to natural photos, or natural black and white pics with basic tweaks (crop, sharpen, light adjust), I enjoy the occasional big leap to a montage, textured look, or now painted look, and more.  A photographer should choose a style or two that fits and work to perfect it, though sometimes it's just fun 
to take a left turn and venture out.  

Flight South Begins

Rain Reflection
The Fall Classic starts this week!
Fall - to - Christmas Colors at home

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. :) Sometimes I like to just venture out and do something that is beyond my "normal". I think that's what a creative spirit likes to do! :)
