A few words and photos from time to time on my life as it unfolds.

See more of my photography at http://royhoveyphotography.com--Click on any photo below to open it...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In ending May, 2013, observations herein about a few favorite photos taken during sundry experiences and outings.  I cherish the varying life experiences of each day, and the photo opportunities they bring.  As to this month's five photo entries:

As kids, best buddies are those who share in favorite pursuits - none greater than playing together on a baseball team.

Sidewalk scenes painted immediately on my camera - fun, and so telling of what amazing toys cameras of the 21st Century are just beginning to become.  They detect blinking and movement, edit on the fly, stitch multiple photos, apply textures, download their contents wirelessly, and much more.  I can't even imagine the camera of 2020, and likely by then will be too old and overwhelmed to understand or master all they can do.  Nevertheless, I forge on and hope to remain part of the game...

What's good about being old and weathered?  Nothing if you're an abandoned old truck, but as a person, I'm blessed to still have family and friends who care.

But speaking of the good old days, I offer a look at one of my good friend's ALBUM collection.  His stereo system cost more than my house, and he's one of the fun guys who loves and enjoys being stuck in the 20th Century.  I love it, and believe we all have special things of old we prefer over the so-called newest-and-best-things.

A small band playing in a coffee shop downtown where I live - common, and nice to count on when I drop down to enjoy the center of our community.  It's a special treat when you discover the performers are your next door neighbors, who never spoke of their talent and avocation!

See You Next Time...
the papaROYzzi