A few words and photos from time to time on my life as it unfolds.

See more of my photography at http://royhoveyphotography.com--Click on any photo below to open it...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Good things about Christmas?  A silly question I pose, because of course there are so many.  One could not endeavor to post thoughts and photos here to cover it all - Our Lord's birthday, family gathering, wonderful food, lights, songs, presents, and so much more.  I very much oversimplify it here by just sharing a few closeup shots of a few of the many icons/decorations about or house.  They hardly add up to the wonder and blessings of Christmas, but make for a fun look at the little things that help construct what we surround ourselves with to celebrate and enjoy this festive time.  Merry Christmas!

The Frosty Snow Man - not seen around these parts though I remember him as a kid in New England

The Iconic Santa - gott have him

It's all about connecting...

Yes, fun stuff right down to the plug-in the the bathroom!

And the wise men gathered to honor our Lord - the essential story


Saturday, December 17, 2011

A random collection of photos I've worked on to add to various web sites 
I do (NINE total, from Family and Friends' sites to small businesses, a baseball
blog site, and my artistic photo site: www.nokodachrome.com).  The first 
one was taken on my iPhone documenting a nice bottle of French Wine
I enjoyed while working on my sites. So, Cheers! 

The papaROYzzi

 Above: Home Art: The Bass Man.  Below: More Home Art "Topazed"
 in Photoshop Elements

Above: The Grand New Leal Estate to host great wine events.  
Below:  Best Friends Sean and Peg's new wine rack - cool, and I want one!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Little Bits of Home

Sometimes a week, or maybe two or three, will pass before I have a significant event or life moment to share here.  But that of course is how life is, so sometimes we'll fill in with something stored in the photo bank, and other times we'll just go silent.  Currently, while engaged in snapshots and postings on my private family web site for the holiday gatherings, I have a "little thing" to share here.  Moreover, the little things about the house.  I find from time to time that doing macros - zeroing in - on things around our home can be great fun, and challenging photography to get useful images.  We must branch out later on this idea, for it seems that in the first chapter of this adventure, the kitchen ruled.  Herewith just a few of many fun shots I've found by getting up close and cozy with objects around the old homestead. ----   the papaROYzzi